Transform/Inspect panel
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In the Transform/Inspect panel you can see the currently active Game Object, enable/disable it or destroy it. You can also tweak it's position, local position, local scale and rotation in the appropriate fields.
Below there are two windows:
On the left side all the previously selected GameObject children Game Objects are shown. The checkboxes only state if the child Game Object is active or not, you can't enable or disable them from here but you can from the "Is Active" checkbox above. You can click on the active child Game Objects to inspect them and see/tweak their transforms. You can also preview and select the children nested in the child you are hovering. There also is a left arrow button on the left side of the "Children Gameobjects" text to return to the previous Game Object.
On the right side all the currently selected Game Object components are shown; it's just a mirror of the Components panel.